The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: All Lived across from the SW corner of campus Winter/Spring 1966, and beginning Fall Quarter '66, four blocks further west on W. College Ave. Good times. Spent way to many Wed/Fri evenings at the Skellar. Was Charter member and VP-Membership of the PSVO (Veteran's Organization). Also 4 year member of Delta Nu Alpha (Transportation Org), VP Senior year. After obtaining BSBA (B Log)Spring '69, toured all over Europe visiting historic sites, museums, & beautiful urban areas, including Med. Coast, E/W Berlin, USSR, Scandinavia, & British Isles. Kicked around for 20 years & closed out employed life with United Airlines at OAK & IND; prior to accepting early retirement in 2003, during a RIF. Doing OK! Based on NLC points, will be getting NL FB season tickets for 2009 season. Will travel from FL for several games. Best Regards, Carl |